Series 2
Evidence for Antediluvian Civilizations

This list sort the series programs by their optimal chronology & thematic order, rather than the more random release order. This is only a wish lish, meaning that most of the persons listed in unreleased programs are neither confirmed nor booked.
This is a series of conversations with different researchers & authors on what proof we have for mankind's prehistoric & forgotten civilizations, examining such evidence as found in myths, legends, maps, structures, artifacts, anthropology, art, literature, biology, genetics, archaeology, religious lore, ruins, geology, anomalies and much more.
Program 1: Reserved for a conversation with Graham Hancock
Program 2: Reserved for a conversation with Klaus Dona
Program 3A: The Lost Age of Mankind (Pt 1 of 2) - Michael Cremo (1:13:42)
Program 3b: The Lost Age of Mankind (Pt 2 of 2) - Michael Cremo (1:27:38)
Program 4: Reserved for a conversation with David Childress
Program 5: From Ancient to Breakaway Civilizations (Pt 1 & 2) - Walter Bosley (2:47:19)
Program 6: Demise of the Ice-Age Civilization - Robert Schoch (2:55:43)
Program 7: Untitled - A conversation with Joseph Farrell (not yet published)
Program 8: Reserved for a conversation with Robert Bauval
Program 9: Reserved for a conversation with Christopher Dunn
Program 10: Reserved for a conversation with Joseph Farrell
Program 11: Reserved for a conversation with Carmen Boulter
Program 12: Reserved for a conversation with Joseph Farrell
Program 13: Reserved for a conversation with Michael Tellinger
Program 14: Reserved for a conversation with John Major Jenkins
Program 15: Reserved for a conversation with James Joachim Hurtak
Program 16: Reserved for a conversation with John Anthony West
Program 17: Reserved for a conversation with Bernard Delair
Program 18: Reserved for a conversation with Brien Foerster
Program 19: Reserved for a conversation with Charlotte Harris Rees
Program 20: Reserved for a conversation with Edmund Marriage
Program 21: Reserved for a conversation with Gavin Menzies
Program 22: Reserved for a conversation with George T. Bayer
Program 23: Reserved for a conversation with Heather Lynn
Program 24: Reserved for a conversation with Gavin Menzies
Program 25: Reserved for a conversation with Jonathan Gray
Program 26: Reserved for a conversation with Laird Scranton
Program 27: Reserved for a conversation with Richard Dewhurst
Program 28: Reserved for a conversation with Herbie Brennan
Program 29: Reserved for a conversation with Patrick Flanagan
Program 30: Reserved for a conversation with Randall Carlson
Program 31: Reserved for a conversation with Alexander Koltypin
Program 32: Human Prehistory according to Esoterica (Pt. 1 & 2) - Phillip Lindsay (2:40:59)
Program 33A: Ancient War in Heaven (Pt. 1 of 3: The Annihilation of Mother Tiamat) - Joseph Farrell (1:20:43)
Program 33B: Ancient War in Heaven (Pt. 2 of 3: The Usual Suspects) - Joseph Farrell (not yet published)
Program 33C: Ancient War in Heaven (Pt. 3 of 3: A Species in Quarantine) - Joseph Farrell (not yet published)
Program 34: Reserved for a conversation with Harry Hubbard
Program 35 Reserved for a conversation with Sylvie Iwanova
Program 36: Reserved for a conversation with Andrew Collins
Program 37: Reserved for a conversation with Semir Osmanagic