Become a Guest Host
Are you running a podcast/show and want more exposure - or seek to start one and want a kick-start?
Either way you are welcome to submit an episode for us to platform as part of our official releases, titled:
"Forum Borealis Special"
* All episodes under this heading will be by guest hosts.
* In the show notes under your episode we link directly to your website, podcast, Patreon, etc.
* You get a presentation page at our website with links to your stuff.
* You will be invited as a guest (optional) to the third-party show produced by Altmedia Utd (hosted by Al & Mark) with a shout-out to your specific episode on Forum Borealis Special as well as to your own show (if you have one).
* If you have your own channel it will be invited to join Altmedia Utd.
* We may also arrange for you to be interviewed by other members of Altmedia Utd.
* You are rewarded a symbolic honorarium of 100 USD per episode released, as a single & final payment for our right to air the FB version of the episode indefinitely (monetised if we so choose).
* This is not an exclusive license, so you retain the right to use the original program (without FB elements like cover art, video illustrations, intro, mid-segment, outro, etc) elsewhere.
* By submitting a show to us, you agree with these conditions.
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* All submitted episodes must be between 80 - 160 min. (the interview itself, not counting intro, etc).
* All audio must be of decent quality - between 128 & 160 kpbs.
* Editing required: Background noise must be removed (noise reduction filter is king). No sharps hisses (hiss reduction is king). Remove annoying mouth bath sounds if you don't have a proper mic filter in your mic, recording software, and/or editing software. Try to keep "uhm", "ehr", "you know", "I mean", and similar stalling expressions to a minimum. Otherwise, if it becomes noticeable & annoying, remove in editing. These concerns apply to the voices of both guest & host, which should be recorded into separate channels to the benefit of editing, and normalised to the same level.
* The content must fit our Paradigm Expansion profile - as soberly and scholarly as the subject allows.
* Keep profanities to a minimum.
* The language/diction/accent of both host & guest must be clear and easy to comprehend for any anglophone person.
* The recording should be raw without bumper, outro, etc, (if not, remove them before submitting) since we inject our FB elements (like the bell).
* Attach a show/cover image clearly suggesting the content, but without any text/writing.
* Enclose an appropriate pic of both host and guest in accordance with the image template displayed in the video versions of our shows. We will apply these pictures so they are rendered into the final still. Detailed instructions available upon inquiry.
* Feel free to add video illustrations to the audio - which increase the potential impact and number of listeners. For tips to this, see our thread in the Subscriber Forum here at our website, or contact us to receive them.
* The sound file, show pics, & video illustrations cannot trigger copyright violations. See the previously mentioned forum thread for details.
* Provide adequate info about the host & guest, thusly:
- Host: (Nick-) Name, Nationality, links to Website/Channel, and whatever bio info you like.
- Guest: Full name, Bio elements like Nationality, Website, Books, Films, Services, Events, Projects, Memberships, Achievements, etc (whatever applies).
* We may reject any submission for different reasons, like: it does not comply with all the criteria, the contents may put our channel at risk, all open spots are already taken, or that the guest, the topic, the execution, or the level does not fit our format. It is not up for discussion or negotiation. However, feel free to inquire about the cause, and/or to submit several different episodes to see if any of them are suitable.
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If you need any clarification, feel free to CONTACT US with specific questions (no generals like: "tell me what I need to know").
Submitted files should be downloadable for us, we recommend "wetransfer.com".
Make sure your email use the correct subject header (BUSINESS).